We would like to dedicate this page to ALL of our loved ones in heaven- who still guide us in our lives each and every day.
We will soon be adding a section for the public to commemorate their loved ones too. It will be an opportunity to add a picture and a personal message to the page to honour your own family and friends in heaven.
The main driving force behind Spence'sSENSES is SPIRITUALISM. It has (rather unexpectedly) become a HUGE aspect of our lives, and an area in which we are currently building on in an extensive and elaborate way. More will absolutely be coming on this, so please do check in with us regularly...
One thing we have learnt more than ever this past year is that spirit do in fact live on, and are constantly with us;helping us to take the right paths, whilst walking beside us every step of the way.
Thomas Turner
Douglas Scott
William Spence
Tommy Richie
Lilian Turner
Melvyn Price
May Scott
George McCafferty
Doreen Price
Agnes Ingall
​And every one of our loved ones in heaven-